Europe 4M scale Regular Contour Colour Relief Map

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Product code: 387

Royalty free Europe Regular Contour colour relief map in Illustrator CS and PDF formats. Fully layered and editable, this is a superb (Lamberts projection) map of Europe with a stunning placed relief background. This relief background is linked to the document and not embedded. Suitable for use up to A3+.

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Europe regular contour colour relief map (Lamberts Conic Projection) @1:4,000,000 scale

Large Royalty free Europe Regular contour colour relief map in Illustrator CS and PDF formats. Fully layered and editable, this is a superb (Lamberts projection) map of Europe with a placed relief background. This relief background is linked to the document and not embedded. Suitable for use up to A3.

Layers include: Coastlines and islands, country borders & fills, country names, sea/ocean names, rivers, major/minor lakes, river names, physical names, capital cities, major settlements, major airports plus latitude/longitude.

Formats: Choose from Illustrator CS (for use with Illustrator CS1 to CS6 or later), Adobe Acrobat Editable PDF 6.0 format or 600 dpi tiff format. Our maps in PDF 6.0 format are fully layered within Acrobat but can still be opened and edited in Illustrator CS4 -CS6 while retaining full layering with 100% editability. Our Tiff files are single layer.

Map dimensions:  8" D x 10" W (28.26cm D x 21.72 cm W)

Extracted Document sizes:  Illustrator CS: 1.3Mb   Acrobat PDF: 3.6Mb   Tiff format: 9Mb

Licence: Please click on the Licence tab to download and print the lifelong licence for this product.

How to download: You will be able to download by logging into Your Account where you can check the status and details of orders (including the applicable Product End User Licence). You can download product purchases for a period of 10 days from date of purchase.

Please note: Product purchases and invoices are downloadable only and are not sent to any postal address

Authors notes: This map is updated for 2013. Suitable for use up to any size but if using the whole map it is not suitable for under A4 due to the amount of detail. Useful to be able to crop any area/region of Europe. If you would prefer to purchase a set of Region maps please visit our Map Collections category.